What are rNFTs?
rNFTs are a new class of digital assets that go beyond the traditional concept of non-fungible tokens (NFTs). While NFTs typically represent ownership of a single item, an individual rNFT is much like a folder or collection marker on Paradox AI, containing multiple assigned assets known as component NFTs (cNFTs).
Assets uploaded to Paradox AI must be assigned to an rNFT to properly sync it with the platform and our custom AI engines. Once users acquire an rNFT, they can upload digital assets and assign them to their rNFT.
Ideally, rNFTs are used to build collections of related work intended to be monetized in one final Complex Digital Asset, which users can authorize to train Ringfence’s neural network, build custom AI engines, or license through Ringfence's marketplace.
Composition of rNFTs
rNFTs comprise both the 'header' and the 'payload'. Structurally, each rNFT can be thought of as a folder and the cNFTs assigned to it being its contents:
Header (rNFT): The header is the primary identifier for the rNFT, encapsulating metadata that defines the attributes of the bundled assets. This metadata includes information such as the creator's identity, creation date, and an index of the included digital assets.
Payload (cNFT): The payload consists of the individual assets represented as component NFTs (cNFTs). Each cNFT carries its unique metadata, detailing its characteristics, such as type, creation date, and any specific rights or restrictions associated with its use. cNFTs are also automatically labeled through Ringfence’s verification software to make AI training easier.
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